Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Welcome to 2012

Holiday Greetings,

A new Year is upon us, and it is the time when we sometimes think of our New Year's Resolutions. The most popular resolutions typically read like the index of a self-help book. You know how they go: Lose weight, exercise more, get on top of finances, do taxes earlier this year, etc.

Some suggestions I would invite you to consider are:

  1. Attend our Job Search Workshops. Get some new ideas, hear what others have been doing, get some motivation, learn something new. Our monthly schedule of workshops is available on our website.
  2. Take a training class. If your computer skills are lacking, this the time to let the Dislocated Worker Program pay for some classes to learn some new computers skills, or any other useful skills that could help you win that new job.
  3. Set up a LinkedIn Account or at least revise it to make sure it stays current. Add 20 new contacts.
  4. Attend one of the many local Job Clubs to do some valuable networking and learning. Click here for a Metro list.
  5. Spend some time volunteering somewhere you can use your talents, help others, learn something, network, get out of the house! Here is a website that will help you enter your location, skills and interests and it will tell you what’s available:
Best of luck in the new year, and let's hope the Mayan's were wrong in predicting 2012 to be the end of the world.