Monday, September 22, 2014

The balance of power

One of the worst feelings about the job search is when you feel that corporations have all the power, because they are making the decision about hiring you or not. The company is in the driver's seat, and they sometimes don't even respond to your application at all. So, you start to feel less confident and less significant. After all there are hundreds of applicants for a single job. And after a number of rejections it wears on you.

But don't let these distressing emotions derail you from believing in your own value. The reality is that the hiring process is a mutual decision. Just as an employer is evaluating you, you are also evaluating the company, the culture, the team and all the other aspects of the job posting. Let's face it, there are some positions or companies you would turn down if offered a job - right? Or perhaps you would never have even applied there in the first place.

There is an amazing diversity of occupations and jobs in our economy, and we need to believe that there is a place for each of us in the workforce, and that through persistence and positive expectation we will find it.

So, keep focused on what you can control and and on your own value. Good things will happen.

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