Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Greening from ear to ear

I attended a conference yesterday called "Work Green: Finding the Green in Minnesota's Economy." Here are a few take aways if you have some interest in Green jobs:
  • There is not a specific Green Industry. Green cuts across all industries, and eventually we need all industries to be Green. But for now Minnesota has identified five Green sectors: Environmental Conservation, Green Manufacturing, Recycling and Pollution Reduction, Building-related energy efficiency, and Renewable energy conservation. Learn more at
  • About 2% of all job openings in Minnesota between October 2009 and December 2010 were considered green. More than one quarter of all Green job openings were STEM occupations (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math). Learn more at
  • Where could a Green career lead for me? They have been busy identifying career ladders and career pathways for Green Occupations. learn more at
  • A lot of the questions asked of the representatives at the conference were along the lines of  "How can I break in? How can I get my foot in the door? How do I know where to start? One of the panel representatives, Jeremy Kalin, recommended reading up on the developing field. For example, read Tom Friedman's recent book Hot, Flat, and Crowded for a good overview.
  • As you read see what gets you excited. For example if you are an I.T. professional you might get excited about the technology that is needed to develop a "smart grid" that can take advantage of different sources of energy. Or perhaps the technology needed for "smart homes" to better control energy usage, and to connect to the smart grid.
  • Or if you are a mechanically-minded technician maybe you like the idea of installing solar panels for businesses or residences. There is lots to be done.
  • A home energy auditor can earn between $18 and $31 per hour.
  • Here are three websites where you can drill into three main areas. Electric Power Transmission and Usage; or Residential Energy Efficient Careers; or Commercial Energy Efficient Careers
  • If you are interested in Free Training to become a Green Specialist or a Green Generalist check out this opportunity:
One thing that came through the conference is the excitement of everyone who is involved in building Minnesota's new Green Energy Economy. There is a lot of passion and energy, because it is such a good mission and we need to get there for our children's sake.

  --Mike Powers

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