Wednesday, May 25, 2011

A Networking Success Story

This is a good example of  how networking sometimes pays off in ways we don't expect. Smaller firms are much more receptive to creating opportunities to fit the talents of someone they meet. Here's how it worked for one person...

Hi Bill,
You have good timing. I have good news.....I finally received a job offer today! (which I am planning to accept!)

It's kind of an interesting story. Last month I decided that I need to find ways to get beyond my current network, so I decided to attend a "Minnesota Women in Business" Spring Luncheon. One of the speakers was a women who owns a packaging design and production firm. I was interested in her story, and introduced myself to her afterwords. We met, along with her business partner, a week later for coffee. We hit it off immediately and they talked about the possibility of creating a position for me. They had me back today to meet more people, and sent me an email offer before I even got home! We all had this sense that this meeting was meant to be.

I'm excited to work with this very smart group of people, and glad "the search" is over.

Thank you so much for your support and willingness to help in any way possible through this journey.

submitted by Bill Thurston, Vocational Counselor

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